Side events

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Side Events in 2025

Implementing the AI Act: Specialized Workshop (Invitation Only)

9 September 2025 | 13:00 – 17:00 & Networking | Czech Academy of Sciences, Národní 3, Prague

This specialized workshop will have a form of a moderated professional discussion of all participants with the aim to examine particular questions and suggest appropriate solutions. It will consist od three sessions in which we will focus in detail on:
  • practical legal issues related to training, use and finetuning of large languge models,
  • legal issues related to introducing AI into daily business operations,and
  • specific issues related to personal and non-personal data use in AI-based processes.
The workshop is accessible by invitation only and requires active participation. Participants will be provided with materials in advance. The capacity is limited to 30 people. If you are interested in participating, please contact us via email at


Legal Aspects of Quantum Technologies and Technology Convergence: International Workshop

Date & Time to be Specified | Czech Academy of Sciences, Národní 3, Prague

Quantum technologies—and particularly quantum computing—are poised to transform the technological landscape. But with this transformation comes a new wave of legal and ethical questions that must be addressed in parallel with scientific progress. This international workshop will explore the legal dimensions of quantum technologies, focusing on the risks they pose to privacy, cybersecurity, intellectual property, and the stability of democratic systems. Further attention will be given to questions of legal responsibility in the face of unpredictable or high-impact outcomes (for instance in fields such as genetic research and new materials). Finally, the workshop will offer space to reflect on the broader phenomenon of technology convergence, in which boundaries between quantum computing, AI, and other emerging technologies begin to blur. This convergence raises its own set of legal challenges—ranging from overlapping regulatory scopes to questions of attribution, accountability, and cross-domain risk management. Moreover, the growing convergence of quantum computing and AI brings additional complexity—especially in terms of algorithmic explainability, data protection, and user trust. The workshop aims to bring a deeper understanding of these complex regulatory issues and contribute to shaping future legal approaches to emerging technologies.